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A: Hormone Optimization is the process of balancing your hormone (i.e testosterone) levels to the optimal level to help improve your health, performance, and overall well-being.

A: The short answer is No. There are other hormones that we will consider and look at. However, for what we’re talking about, Testosterone is King. It’s by far the main one that we end up addressing with our clients, and that we see make by enlarge the biggest difference. We will discuss some of the other hormones you can tweak to make things even more perfect, but the short answer is; it’s not ONLY Testosterone, but it is MAINLY Testosterone.

A: The range of normal Testosterone will vary depending on what source you look at. 270 to 1070 ng/dL is a commonly used ‘normal’ range, and other source may have slightly different numbers. But “normal range” does not mean optimal, especially with such a wide range. Even if your Testosterone is ‘normal’, if you are experiencing symptoms of testosterone deficiency, you can benefit tremendously going from ‘normal’ to optimal. For instance, you may have a testosterone level of 350ng/dL which is “normal” Testosterone, but that might not be the optimal level your body need, and your body might be paying the price. If you were to get your Testosterone level to 900 ng/dL you’d also be normal, but you’ll probably be feeling very different at 350 ng/dL and at 900 ng/dL even though they’re both ‘normal’ Testosterone levels.

A: Testosterone is the main Male Hormone and so many functions in our body depend on proper utilization of Testosterone. Therefore a deficiency in Testosterone can present in a variety of different ways depending on the specific individual and degree of deficiency. Symptoms may include one or more of the following; lower energy, decreased strength, decreased mental focus, sleep issues, weight issues, decreased sexual function, joint pain, cognitive decline and much more. Each person can have a different presentation, and you don’t have to have all of these symptoms to be deficient as your body might react a little differently to the lower testosterone than somebody else. Also the degree of the severity can vary. Some people want to optimize their testosterone because these symptoms can significantly affect their activities of daily life, their health, career, and relationships. Other who come to us may be doing ‘ok’ or even doing ‘well’ relatively speaking, but they know they’re not really where they want to be, and they’re not performing as best as they can, and they want to go to the next level. If you suspect this may be for you, you can start by taking our Testosterone quiz at the bottom of this page, which can be a good place to start.

A: This is designed with busy men in mind. The idea is not to waste your time with fluff but to get to the heart of the subject right away. If you’re a busy individual, that’s more of reason to want your testosterone optimized. With low testosterone, you’re likely not getting as much out of your day as you could. If low testosterone is causing your memory, focus, attention, and energy to be less than optimal, then you’re working against your body trying to get things done as efficiently as possible. Understanding and optimizing Testosterone can pay dividends in your everyday activities. We want you to be able to do more in your day than you previously though possible, and if anything, we want you to feel like you ‘bought time back’ by going on Testosterone therapy.

A: Men who are suffering from symptoms due to low testosterone can benefit from hormone optimization. Testosterone levels tend to start declining in men in their late 20’s and early 30’s. Often, once we’re in our 40’s and 50’s and 60’s the levels can trend lower and lower causing multiple symptoms like low energy, decreased mental focus, decreased sexual function, joint pain, and others. If you’re a man and you feel like your testosterone levels aren’t where they should be, you should consider looking into hormone optimization. You can start by taking the quiz at the end of this page.

Take The Quiz Below..

Find out if your low testosterone might be holding you back. Take the following short quiz to see if your symptoms might be related to your testosterone levels. There is no charge for the quiz.

Want To Know More?

If you know your Testosterone could be optimized further and you want to take your physical and mental health to the next level, and further enrich your professional career and your relationships, click the link to watch the video below